© Maria Luisa Giuliani 'Stalattiti'

A Successful Group

A recent point of interest is the nature of groups, how and why they form, the mechanics of the members working together, how this influences / directs the outcomes/results/ repercussions, particularly musically.

In any successful group:

1. The whole is more than the subject of the parts.

2. The music played by the group is richer than the solo project of any individual member.

3. In any creative endeavour, the members touch each other so profoundly that the connection between them continues when the group disbands; even where they may prefer that this is not so.

4. If any part believes itself to be more than the whole, or at least equal to it, the group and its actions are undermined.

Robert Fripp
Friday 20th. March, 2020
Bredonborough, Middle England