The Creative Moment

Timelessness And Succession

The creative moment takes place where timelessness and the stream of successive events meet.

This moment is where, experienced from within the time stream, time stands still.

When we move more fully into that moment, where time ends.

This is where we were, before we were born.

Robert Fripp
Friday 17th. February, 2006
Mount Juliet, Tennessee, USA

Time Hovers

Q: So, what’s the difference between standing still and hovering, then?
A: They are different stages in the same overall process, of timelessness meeting and entering time. In a sense, process is how we experience the unfolding of timelessness in the temporal domain. Time Hovering is one aspect of experiencing The Great Divide, the middle part of any process.

Time Hovers II

Q: Why’s that, then?
A: The Great Divide has a beginning, middle, and end, as in any process. This hovering is in the end-stage of the overall hovering.

Q: That’s wordy rubbish!
A: True. The experience of moving through the Middle speaks for itself. This is not an experience that can be given by argument. There is an opening, a lifting, where we move out of the Middle. By paying attention, we learn to recognise the flavour of the Middle. Then, we know when we make the phase transition to the overall End Stage.

At The End Of Time

Q: Where’s that, then?
A: At the end.

Q: So, a good way on from the middle?
A: No, not far away at all. But the end-stage also has three stages: the beginning of the end, the middle of the end, and the end of the end. If the process is sound, the end of the end is a completion; and a completion is the beginning of another beginning.

Q: More wordy rubbish!
A: True. Perhaps, listen? Suspend judgement, activate presence, and notice that a very small space has opened, where timelessness and time are in a kind of dance.

Q: Why’s the guitarist playing that tune in a ‘timeless moment’ then?
A: That melody is wordless prayer. We don’t go through that small, open space by sitting with our feet up, waiting for an angel to carry us through. We activate Wish, give it voice, and call on the Benevolence that is waving and blowing kisses to us from just-inside that small window.

Q: So, what are we saying?
A: I can come as far as the window, but need help to pass through.

Q: Why’s that?
A: Because I am carrying the conditions of time. Timelessness is unconditioned and an uncomfortable place to be, if we hold to the assumptions of time. But a moment of timelessness can last a lifetime.

Q: Hey! Now you’re really weirding me out!
A: I feel very much the same.

Robert Fripp
Friday 3rd. February, 2006
Broad Chalke, Wiltshire, England