Introduction to Guitar Circle and the New Standard Tuning

Saturday 16, January 2010

Foyer de Grenelle, Rue de l’Avre, Paris, France

Directed by Martin Schwutke. Assisted by Mariana Scaravilli.

This introduction will be given by two experienced members from The League of Crafty Guitarists and is open to anyone who wishes to attend. No prior experience on the guitar is required.

The New Standard Tuning Day will focus on fundamental principles of the use of both hands and Guitar Craft Primary Exercises. An approach to working effectively and musically with others in the Guitar Circle will be introduced, along with various Circulation techniques and some Circle repertoire. The day begins at 10 am and runs through 6 pm. There will be a lunch break (not included in the fee) from 1 to 2:30 pm.

Tuition fee for the day is 80 euros.

The meeting will be hosted by the Paris Guitar Circle who will be working with Martin and Mariana on Friday evening and Sunday morning. For players with Guitar CIrcle experience, this is a chance to reconnect, and you are welcome to join us for all 3 sessions (please mail for details).

This Introduction is a recommended preparation for those who wish to attend the Germany Guitar Circle weekend in February.
