Directed by Mikael Weichbrodt & Hernan Nunez
Assisted by experienced members of The Guitar Circle of Europe.
Local Coordinators: Friederike Beins and George Porter.
Arrivals: Tuesday, January 12th, morning.
Departures: Sunday, January 17th, afternoon.
This Course centering on the necessities of the Intermediate Team is available to those who have:
1. an established morning sitting practice.
2. attended at least one Guitar Craft and/or Guitar Circle Course.
3. worked with and applied the principles presented.
4. their application letter accepted.
Woltersdorf is a small village ca 30 km from Berlin and its airports. Space at the EC Freizeithaus is limited, if you wish to attend please confirm asap in order to reserve your place.
George Porter (certified AT teacher) will introduce the Alexander Technique.
Work in the House and the Kitchen will be an integral part of the course for all participants.
Supporting the Beginners team (Introduction To GC) is a main aspect of this course.
To apply for this course please email your application letter focusing on the following questions:
1 – Who are you?
2 – Why do you wish to attend?
3 – What is your Aim?
If accepted to attend you’ll receive detailed info about exact location, transportation, what you need to bring, form of payment, and other practicalities.
Fee: EUR 570 (includes accommodation and all meals)
Discounts: East Europeans and Latin Americans please ask for special terms if needed.