The Guitar Craft History Project – Recollection and Gathering Phase

with Debra Kahan

Friday 4, June 2004 – Saturday 5, March 2005

United States

Welcome to the future! This note is to announce that the birth of the Guitar Craft History Project, the active phase, is here. This is the beginning of a global initiative. You are invited to participate, first of all, by writing, and secondly, by spreading the word to those whom you know need to participate in this endeavor. We begin with an online project, which will be conducted much like the Forum during the last Level III in 2003 in Atlanta.

This project is a new kind of undertaking for us. As a whole, I don’t believe that we have ever been involved in anything quite like it before. As with many new beginnings, we continue to assume the virtue, not exactly knowing how, but proceeding as if we knew how to write a history. For those of us for whom there is resonance, the way will show itself.

This task, the recollection of the past, is in service to the future. In the long tradition from which our school is a descendent, it is stated that the act of service to the future is a duty for our Being. It may not be necessary that everyone answers this call, but it is essential that those of us so moved make a demand and challenge ourselves to write, if not daily, then at optimal intervals. It is urged that you edit your work in a word document and then import that document to the Forums site.

A rather long gestational process has been underway, and now the baby is being born.

The History Project is open to anyone who has been on a Guitar Craft course, including their spouse, partner, or family member. To register for the History Project, email the project facilitator at and introduce yourself with answers to the following:

  • Who are you? (please list some of the Courses you have attended)
  • Why do you wish to attend this Project?
  • What is your Aim?

More about the History Project, including a detailed introduction, can be found here.

Debra Kahan
History Project Facilitator

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Excerpts from “Discipline & The Act Of Music”, posted on the bulletin board at the Guitar Craft course at Circle V Ranch near Santa Barbara, CA, February 2002:

Acquiring Good Habits

“iv – Generating energy: we confront habitual behavior with a demand. Where we meet an intentional challenge, energy is released from that work. Through the energy made available, we may be able to put some of it in the bank. This ‘new currency’ is then available for future investment.”

And so, we begin where we are.

The New Crafty

“i – we begin again, having moved from where we were, and address becoming where we are.
iii – discipline confirms the capacity to become effectual in time.

Discipline is knowing what we are able to honorably undertake with certainty.”