Directed by Robert Fripp. Assisted by experienced members of Guitar Circle of North America.
House/Kitchen Team Arrivals: Saturday, May 18
Arrivals: Sunday, May 19, afternoon
Departures: Monday, May 27th
This Special Project centering on The Orchestra Of Crafty Guitarists is available to those who have:
1. an established morning sitting practice
2. attended at least one Guitar Craft and/or Guitar Circle course directed by RF
3. their application letter accepted
The focus of the course, and one of the primary questions in the work of The Orchestra Of Crafty Guitarists, is this question:
How do we work with others, and specifically in the Guitar Circle?
Robert Fripp & The OCG VII will present public performances on Friday, May 24 in Boston; Saturday, May 25 tbd; and Sunday, May 26 in New York City.
Sandra Bain Cushman, a certified AT teacher, will present the Alexander Technique.
Camp Caravan is located about an hour west-northwest of Boston. Capacity is limited, if you wish to attend please confirm ASAP in order to reserve your place.
To apply for this course please email your application letter focusing on the following questions:
1. Who are you?
2. Why do you wish to attend?
3. What is your Aim?
If accepted to attend, you’ll receive detailed information about exact location, transportation, what you need to bring, form of payment, and other practicalities.
Fee: $1000.00 (US)
Includes accomodation, meals, and round-trip transportation to the performances.
Please ask for discounts and payment terms if necessary.
Discount for intercontinental travelers: 25%