
  • I The outside world is outside. It has no hold on our shared sacred space inside these walls. The liminal zone, the in-between space, is what enables the outside and the inside to come together, to permit movement from one to the other, to accommodate each other, to negotiate the space. It is neither one…

    Music Is A Liminality Between The Impossible And The Possible
  • Where Had The Energy Gone?

    Very good comments over lunch. One question, from a Crafty who was very active in the early years and we have not seen for some time, asked “where did the energy go?” He was referring to the energy once available for him to invest in hours practising the polyrhythms used on courses at that time.…

    Where Had The Energy Gone?
  • Protection

    Dear Crafty, In any environment, our weaknesses (actual or perceived) are recognised by those around us, if they have any wit or sentience. In a hostile environment, those looking to feed recognise potential food. If we maintain our state, recognising our own capacities and process, impartially and without judgement, that is, maintaining neutrality towards what…

  • The Electricity Of Life

    Q: Whenever playing and you are on that Zen KC alternate plane ~ How does your body react? I imagine lightning coursing through your veins and lightning bolts coming out of your fingers. RF:  Perhaps Ms. E has a Romantic notion of the artist possessed by a Divine Influx of Music coming to life, coursing…

    The Electricity Of Life
  • It’s Overwhelming!

    Q:            There have been so many things happening to me over the last few months and it’s been overwhelming at times… how do I deal with it, how do I make sense of it, how do I hold together in the face of this ongoing series of things that have been happening? Why do these things…

    It’s Overwhelming!
  • Loving Is An Intentional Act

    Loving is an intentional act. Love does not enter our world by accident. If like-dislike is ‘that’s all!’ then love is impossible for us. So, how may we practise loving? This is a practical matter, and may therefore be practically addressed. This is part of one of the musician’s three disciplines – ‘the discipline of…

    Loving Is An Intentional Act
  • The Great Freedom

    The Great Freedom is when who-we-are, our essential spark, knows itself directly and apart from what-we-are: the animal we inhabit, the experiences that shaped our opinions and actions, and the repercussions that accumulate from both necessary and unnecessary behaviour. In some schools this is expressed as “having an I”. This is an unfortunate expression, as…

    The Great Freedom