In a professional undertaking, the musical “result” is pretty much the sum of individual contributions. In King Crimson the invitation is to join a group, where the outcome of/from the group’s musicking becomes more than the sum of the parts. Remove the individual members, what may be adjudged their contributions to solo work and work…
Dear Crafty, Chief Feature will always be there. It’s neither good nor bad in itself, although the repercussions may be otherwise. The repercussions actually shape our lives. It is astonishing to see its effects, over time. One very Experienced Work Person, unaware of their CF, actually declared it to me on a Guitar Craft course…
Giving the public what it is perceived the public wants is a professional undertaking. It has my respect. A good professional can guarantee to play what they know. They can walk onstage and play the possible. Artistry is where we embrace the impossible. Why? Because we have to, it’s who-we-are!If we compromise with that… life…
Breakfast at 08.00. Following the arrival of Silence, recapitulating the Six Principles Of The Performance Event. 1. We take a decision, and something happens. 2. This intentional something goes better than we might anticipate, and deserve. …
Q: If you have a difference of opinion, how do you resolve the issue? What I would say is this: if anyone is working together, for example within a group context, or within a business context… The key to this is, do we share the same aim? If we share the same aim, the possible…
The creative future is so close to us that, if we stumble when allowing it into our lives by seeking to address the past, we will fail the future. If we accept the creative future, the hold of the past will miraculously lessen of its own accord. We will find ourselves part of an unexpected…
How to engage with uncertainty? Certainly, not by doing what we were doing within the constraints of the commercial society: exclusion and inequity; and acting from received opinion. If there were any time to try something different, this is about as good an opportunity as it gets. How about – Play! Freely engage creatively with…